Top 10 Films of 2020

Granted, it took me a while to make this list, and not only that, it really has been a while since I updated this blog. I can see the cobwebs already. Nevermind, cleaned that. Now, 2020 was an interesting year for the film industry worldwide as the world was (and is still is) hit with the Covid-19 pandemic and the movie industry was one of the most affected industries. Cinemas were closed, staffs were cut off, big budgeted movies were shelved off by studios and locked in their vaults, and also the rise of the abundance of streamed films on Netflix and alike. Thus, there was not really much films released in 2020, and the ones that got released were almost all indie films and low-budgeted films. Which is why it took me a while to finish them off because usually I am more motivated to watch movies that are heavily marketed; the popcorn ones. I am one of the sheep, I guess. So, here's the top 10 films of 2020. 10. Nomadland Honestly, I kinda think this film is a bit overrated. It...