The Batman : A New Angle on Bruce Wayne

The long awaited 2021's The Batman trailer was finally released at the DC Fandome Event and fans around the world cheered for it. There are also some voices questioning concerns as to the slight differences of this Batman's interpretation compared to the previous Batmen that we had. Robert Pattinson is our new Batman, and when he was announced to be the new Bruce Wayne, not everyone exactly was happy with this news. Probably because he is mostly known for his Twilight role, a franchise that is not known for being highly rated or praised for its acting, rather the opposite so of course, people would not associate the lead actor from this cringy vampire franchise to be the next face of the most popular superhero. However, having watched several of Robert's recent works, I did not share the same concerns. If anything, his acting from Good Time (2017), High Life (2018) and The Lighthouse (2019) not only assures me that he is going to do fine, but to be fair his performance ...