Oscar 2020 Nominations : Hail Joker

I have been waiting for the nominations for a while and they're finally here. Joker sets a record for being the first comic book film to get 11 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Cinematography and Best Original Scores. As a fellow comic book film and a film fan myelf, I cannot be any more happier. Joker is a very well-made comic book film that deserves such recognitions. Oscar has always been picky with big-budgeted film or sci-fi/superhero film and it's about time for they to be more considerable. To be honest, a comic book film being nominated as a Best Picture nominee should've happened a long time ago with The Dark Knight. Then, in 2019, obviously due to current political pressure in America, Oscar nominated Black Panther as a nominee for the Best Picture category. Now, I enjoy Black Panther. Killmonger was a very good villain and it definitely one of the good MCU movies. But to consider it as a Best Picture n...