Should I Watch Local Films Again ?

I watch more Hollywood movies than any other movies. I guess for most movie lovers, it's the same case as Hollywood dominates the film industry more than any other country. I do, however, has some passion on other movies, such as the Bollywood movies, and Japanese movies (which I am not ashamed to admit, mostly are tokusatsu or anime related). How about my local films? Malaysian movies? Well, I don't know, man. If you are a Malaysian or if you follow Malaysian cinema scene, it can be seen that it is not triumphant. It is not a money-making machine like Hollywood, or not even in terms of producing good, high quality films like Japan, Italy or Frence. Most films released here are in Malay language, catered for Malay audiences, and most of them are, I would say, not good. In terms of production value, as well as the films' messages as well. But I guess the scene is changing now. Back in 2011, when I was in Form 4, I was really into local cinema scene. I followed...